Step into the enchanting world of "Pink Lilies," the prestigious Boldbrush award-winning artwork by artist Joan Layne, where a serene lily pond comes to life in vivid hues. Immerse yourself in the beauty of deep jewel tones, with burgundy and jade greens creating a mesmerizing backdrop. Pink lilies dance upon the water's surface, adding a touch of elegance to this tranquil scene.
Claim "Pink Lilies" as your own and bring a touch of elegance to your space. Add this framed gallery canvas wrap of Joan's award-winning oil painting today, now digitally remastered, and reborn, for you to enjoy. Experience exceptional quality, beauty, and price. Bringing you an experience that refreshes your soul.
Joan Layne is a multifaceted artist with a passion for both music and visual arts, Joan's journey has taken her from the world of opera and classical music to the realm of painting. Her recent accomplishment of winning the prestigious Boldbrush award for Pink Lilies further highlights her artistic prowess.
Enhanced with the Verisart certificate—your assurance of authenticity and a connection to the artist's original vision. Each signed certificate validates your investment, securing your link to the art's lineage.
Pink Lilies
GALLERY WRAPS are stretched on 1.5 bars with mirror return image printed sides and wired for hanging.
LYVE CANVAS is a 1.9 mil bright white, consistent poly-cotton blend matte canvas using an acid-free neutral pH coating.
DIGITAL CAPTURE - Better Light scanning back in large-format camera. There is no finer method of direct image capture than with a Better Light scanning back in large-format camera. Better Light files are cleaner, sharper, and more accurately capture every detail and nuance of the original artwork. Before printing each digital capture is meticulously hand edited, color proofed to the original using the finest archival canvas and inks available.